Rtn Dr. AV Pathy
Big Bang , the great Rotary innovation challenge is the opportunity or platform for young minds to showcase their thought and form in a structured manner . The recent change in methods of learning and self study have given rise to numerous studies and concepts that are applied in daily lives to rocket launch . Big Bang provide a platform for the students and teachers to learn and get motivated from each other’s experiences and design and develop something unique and innovative. It’s great way to present your thoughts that might make a paradigm shift for how we have perceived things around us. Rotary west has organised this innovative challenge to stimulate the young minds and come out with a concept revolving around that. The fair will be of immense contribution to the student community and the schools and teachers too. Appreciate the great efforts of chairman pp Lakshmanan , co chair Navaneethakrishnan. President Narayanaswamy secretary Devadas and the formidable team in organising the innovation challenge in an absolutely new Trendy format. Wishing the Big Bang team a stupendous success and wishing students a happy learning time.
Good luck Big Bang